UI Actions
Use macOS Shortcuts to control any app that has menus, buttons, or accepts keyboard input.

Public beta for macOS 13.3 commences soon!
Check the beta forum for updates
New Shortcuts Actions. Just BYOA*.
*) Bring Your Own Apps
UI Actions is a utility Shortcuts app. It lets you control any app that
has menus, buttons, or accepts keyboard input. If you wish your favourite app had any
Shortcuts support, so you could just automate the things you do manually again and again,
then UI Actions might be for you.
You can show or select menus and menu items, click buttons, simulate typing on your
keyboard, and key presses with modifiers (like Cmd, Opt, Shift, and Ctrl).
But this is just the bare minimum to get the beta started. I have a number
of tasks on my todo list for UI actions, but I also want to get some user input first. No
point in building something nobody wants, right? 😉
Do you have ideas for additional actions? Then head on over to
the ActionsDotWork forum and let's discuss them!
@ActionsDotWork Clicking/tapping the above video cover image will embed and load the video from YouTube.
Sounds Good? Allow Me To Keep In Touch.
Stay up to date with UI Actions's progress, my apps, beta testing and upcoming releases.
A place to discuss your Shortcuts workflows. You can also ask questions, share your ideas and report bugs.
Lots of friendly people there.
Visit the ActionsDotWork Forum
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After clicking "Subscribe" you will receive an opt-in email, which you need to confirm to complete your
subscription. Had a sudden change of mind? Then just ignore the email. No hard feelings. :)
Your address will only be used for updating you on the progress of my apps, beta tests and upcoming releases. Every
email will contain a working unsubscribe link. I'm committed to the GDPR🇪🇺 both by conviction and by law. Common
decency applies.
If you want to chat, find me on Mastodon! My main account is
but if you're only interested in things related to my apps, there's also
And since I need a place to post tutorials and whatnot, there's
@ActionsDotWork on YouTube.