Acknowledgements & Thanks
I’d like to thank the following open-source projects and authors for the work they provide for free. Without them, my apps would be much harder to make.
10%+ of my proceeds from app sales is used to sponsor them if sponsoring is available. (Proceeds = gross sales - store service fees - VAT.)
Actions For Obsidian
- CallbackURLKit by Eric Marchand, MIT License
- DeviceKit by Dennis Weissmann, MIT License
- MarkdownUI by Guillermo Gonzalez, MIT License
- npm/builtin-modules, npm/filter-obj, Actions by Sindre Sorhus, MIT License
- Obsidian Daily Notes interface, Obsidian Periodic Notes by Liam Cain, MIT License
- Obsidian Dataview by Michael Brenan, MIT License
- zod by Colin McDonnell, MIT License
Browser Actions
- ButtonKit by Thomas Durand, MIT License
- DefaultCodable, MarkdownUI by Guillermo Gonzalez, MIT License
- Defaults by Sindre Sorhus, MIT License
- LetterCase by Ross Butler, MIT License
- Networking by Fresh, MIT License
- ObfuscateMacro by p-x9, MIT License
- SimpleKeychain by auth0, MIT License
- Sparkle by the Sparkle Project, MIT License
- SwiftSoup by Nabil Chatbi, MIT License
- ULID.swift by Yasuhiro Hatta, MIT License
- Astro, MIT License
- by Matt Kiazyk, MIT License
Special thanks to …
Alin Panaitiu, Craig Hockenberry, Daniel Jalkut, Emory Dunn, Greg Pierce, Helge Heß, Rich Siegel, and Sindre Sorhus for answering questions and/or letting me peek at their code. You da real MVPs.
This website uses the following visual assets:
- Tabler icons by Paweł Kuna, MIT license
- SVG Logos icons by Gil Barbara, CC0 1.0 Universal license
- Playfair Display font by Claus Eggers Sørensen, SIL Open Font License Version 1.1