
BarCuts is a macOS menu bar app that displays Shortcuts workflows. It allows you to "tag" workflows to an application. When that app is active and in front, BarCuts will show its tagged workflows in a menu.

A stylized macOS window with red, yellow, and green blobs of color oozing out

Currently in development for macOS 14 and later.

Download the Public Beta

Here's how it works.

Tag a workflow to an app

In the Shortcuts editor, open one of your workflows. Add the BarCuts Tagger action to it, and pick an application from its dropdown — for example, Safari.

When that app is active, check the menu bar

Open the selected application (Safari, in this example). The BarCuts menu bar will list that workflow in its menu. Click the menu entry to run the workflow.

@ActionsDotWork Clicking/tapping the above video cover image will embed and load the video from YouTube.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does this app exist?

Shortcuts allows you to pin workflows to its menu bar, true. But there's neither structure nor nuance. It just shows the workflows in an ugly, un-macOS-like menu. All of them. (Well, if you have more than 16 pinned, then it shows a random subset of 16 workflows.) All the time.

I wanted better, so here we are.

Sounds Good? Allow Me To Keep In Touch.

Stay up to date with BarCuts's progress, my apps, beta testing and upcoming releases.

ActionsDotWork Forum

A place to discuss your Shortcuts workflows. You can also ask questions, share your ideas and report bugs. Lots of friendly people there.

Visit the ActionsDotWork Forum

Mailing List

~1 post/month. It is provided by the GDPR-compliant Buttondown service.

About this email subscription ℹ️

After clicking "Subscribe" you will receive an opt-in email, which you need to confirm to complete your subscription. Had a sudden change of mind? Then just ignore the email. No hard feelings. :)

Your address will only be used for updating you on the progress of my apps, beta tests and upcoming releases. Every email will contain a working unsubscribe link. I'm committed to the GDPR🇪🇺 both by conviction and by law. Common decency applies.

Social Media

If you want to chat, find me on Mastodon! My main account is, but if you're only interested in things related to my apps, there's also

And since I need a place to post tutorials and whatnot, there's @ActionsDotWork on YouTube.

BarCuts © 2023 Carlo Zottmann. All rights reserved. This application is not affiliated with or endorsed by Brave Software, the Chromium projects, Google, Microsoft, Vivaldi Technologies, Apple, or any of their respective affiliates or subsidiaries. Brave, Chromium, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi, Safari are trademarks of their respective owners. Shortcuts application icon © Apple Inc.